Jul 20, 2020
Worship Leader Mentorship (APPLY TODAY)
When trying to change the culture of a worship team, how do we help our team members embrace the new values, without being impatient or leaving them in the dust? Change is hard and takes people a long time. How do we strike the balance of loving people well, while also pressing ahead to a preferred future?
This question came from our Worship Leader Mentorship.
🔥 Free Worship Leader Starter Kit - https://bit.ly/WMTkit
💻 Free Worship Leader Course - https://bit.ly/WMT-course
📖 Free Set Building E-Book - https://bit.ly/WMT-book
🎙️ Podcast for Worship Leaders - https://bit.ly/WMTpod
📄 Free Devos for Worship Teams - https://bit.ly/WMTdevos
🎓 Academy for Worship Leaders (15 days for $1) - https://bit.ly/wmthome
🤳 Instagram - https://bit.ly/WMTig
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