Dec 1, 2022
We live in a noisy world. But God speaks to us in a "still small voice". It's easy to miss. As worship leaders, we need to make time and space to hear from the Lord. We can't give to others if we're not receiving ourselves. But how do we do that in a world full of distractions? That's what I talk about this month with...
Nov 22, 2022
Many worship leaders have never been taught the purpose of a worship set. Nor have they been taught HOW to build a set that flows musically and thematically toward a climactic destination of God's glory and grandeur. If that sounds complicated, don't worry. This episode is me teaching a group of worship leaders how...
Nov 15, 2022
Many of us lost team members after the pandemic. In fact, some of us feel like our teams were decimated. We don't have enough musicians, and the musicians we DO still have are stressed and less reliable. How do we go about rebuilding healthy worship teams after Covid? That's exactly what I discuss with Brian Wahl...
Nov 1, 2022
What if we've been focusing on the wrong goals in our worship ministry? What if social media / YouTube has convinced us that success in worship ministry means musical excellence, fancy production, and killer songwriting? But what if that's not actually what Jesus is measuring? The truth is, worship ministry has...
Oct 17, 2022